Riley is so cute cute cute! Where do I start? I guess starting with pictures :)
Riley will complete being home 6 months this month. As cliche as it sounds, time flies! He has gone from a little sitting observing baby to a growing, rolling, starting-t0-crawl, observing and grabbing baby! He loves to play so much! He loves books, going on walks and being outdoors, his papa ( he is a daddy's boy!) and is finding his voice- yesterday he screamed as he played and "talked" all afternoon.
Riley has also started to eat solids, he recently tried- and loved - broccoli. peas, and pears.
This summer has flown by, I can't believe it is September. We were able to go to Idaho for Jeff and McKayla's wedding in August, which was a fun little family trip. We are still in Utah for the time being! We have had a pretty low key summer but have gotten in some bbqs, going to the downtown farmer's market, seeing some new movies that have come out, just things like that!
We have had some fun times and we are making some plans that will take our life in a different direction = moving! It is exciting and making me nervous at the same time! I am glad that it will be something that will help us learn and progress and grow.