Thursday, July 15, 2010

8 days???

Eight days till Rocky and I get married...hopefully. I guess the hopefully part isn't what you were expecting to read, right? Well it wasn't what I was expecting either. We are having some problems with extending Rocky's vacation visa (that he is here on right now) and we need that documentation for us to get married. Why don't we still have it? Long story...

There are so many more details but thats what it comes down to, that we are still watiting on the visa extention. I will keep you updated! Our famililes (those that can make it) and some friends are coming out from out of state...I dont know what to say. We are in the process of doing a few different things so that next Friday we can get married as planned. If not, well we will get married at a later date. I just feel so bad because of those people who are planning on being there but we are hoping for the best! I will keep you updated...

On a lighter note...last night we were together and he had been looking for a document and in his things he found a letter he had written to me but had never sent....he didn't say anything about it at the moment, he just had it sitting next to him on the couch and when i came into the room and he was on the phone I just random picked up the folded piece of paper to see what it was one of those things that just makes your whole body smile, not just your mouth but in your eyes, your heart, it warms you up inside :) In some ways it was better to not get that letter in March but to get it now instead.

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